Which is better, a Degree or a Diploma?

The decision to choose a diploma over a degree is an important life choice that needs to be weighed up with all the facts in mind. Most students desire to study abroad. There are additional benefits, such as obtaining employment and advancing your career. The confusion over whether to pursue a degree or diploma program is understandable. Many students believe a degree is preferable to a diploma. Several considerations, such as their market value and course fees, may determine your choice. For any student who has passed the boards, making the key decision on a diploma vs degree can be unnerving.

To study in Canada and Australia, there are numerous alternatives for both diploma and degree programs. The type of program you select will significantly impact the additional chances you will have after completing the course. Let us look at various factors to determine which option is better.

Diploma Vs. Degree

1. Cost: The cost of postgraduate diploma programs is less than that of master’s degree programs. For instance, if a PG diploma program costs about CAD 20,000 per year, a master’s degree program will be about CAD 30,000 per year.

2. Duration: The length of a PG diploma in Canada will be less than one leading to a master’s degree. Most PG diploma programs last one year, though they might also last two years. A master’s degree program typically lasts two years, though some courses may require three.

3. Career Prospects: A degree graduate is preferred over someone with a diploma. When it comes to career opportunities, degree programs have more to offer. Diploma courses have very career-specific opportunities. Salaries are also higher for degree courses than for diploma ones.

In an ever-changing and competitive job market, vocational education can make you more able to accomplish your career and life goals than a degree will. If you are choosing to further your study, you will most likely be a motivated person and will do well in your career regardless. You could be finishing secondary schooling and looking for the first logical step in your career journey. Or, you might be a seasoned professional deciding to take a new career path. Many diploma students have been in their occupation for a few years and know that the right qualification will escalate pay rise or promotion opportunities.

Every year, we see several students who have completed post-secondary degrees, but who haven’t been successful in entering the careers they had envisioned after completing a  4-year degree. Despite developing strong critical thinking, analysis, and communications skills, graduates from these programs can struggle with being under-employed or advancing in their professional careers as they may lack the necessary technical and applied skills required in today’s labor market.

And you better believe there is competition in the labor market. In the US, between January and October 2022, 1 million people of 20 to 29 years old earned a bachelor’s degree. That means there are thousands of others applying for the same job you are, and no your beautiful resume with just the right font isn’t enough. You need skills! Skills that are polished and tailored to the industry you are applying to, whether that be in marketing or project management. In short, you need applied skills to give you an upper hand in the sea of degrees. Enter the value of a diploma, post-degree diploma, or certificate, which provides you with a very particular set of skills aligned to your field of interest (such as human resources, public relations, web development, supply chain management…). These specialized programs set you apart from your competition, as you master the technical skills of your industry and the soft skills (communications, conflict management, change management, and teamwork, to name a few) that are sought-after in today’s job market. With the right qualifications, you’ll be able to plan your career choices and utilize your skills. In many cases, a diploma is the best answer: it comes at a fraction of the cost, time, and effort, and equips you with better practical skills and confidence for your new career.

Benefits of Diploma Programs with Our Partners

At Donnish Hub we offer a HUGE bonus with our specialized diploma programs. Our partners take a holistic approach to students’ success. That means including resume writing (with one-on-one time with a resume expert), interview practice (to make sure you are as cool as a cucumber when you get interviewed for your dream job), many industry networking opportunities, career fairs, and work experience via internships/coops. These “extras” are instrumental to the incredible success our graduates have in landing jobs in their chosen fields – sometimes even before their programs are complete. 

As we know, there is a vast hidden job market, which is only attainable through social/business connections. Building those connections and knowing how to capitalize on them, in a professional and relevant way makes a difference in finding positions, and certainly in getting hired for those positions.

A specialized program allows for you to get the skills in a way that makes sense, through real-world learning in a short timeframe. So you can get in, get trained, and get working (and earning money) FAST. It accomplishes all that with an affordable cost, usually in about a year or two timeframes, and more flexibility in terms of balancing life commitments.

Many people will complete a specialized diploma and years later layer it (again) with a master’s degree, continuing to elevate their knowledge base. However, having the diploma provides a bridge to what they ‘love’ and the opportunity to work within that field already.

Find out more about our online Diplomas and how they could work for you.

For Inquiries & Applications 

For detailed information and application, please, contact Donnish Hub Educational Limited at +234 817 973 0282 or email admission@donnishhub.com.ng. You can also download our brochure at www.donnishhub.com.ng  

4 thoughts on “Which is better, a Degree or a Diploma?”

  1. Pingback: All You Need to Know About Canad Study Visa & Permit - Donnish Hub

  2. Pingback: Highest Paying Diplomas & Trades Than Degrees - Donnish Hub

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